Aurora Aksnes born 15th June 1996 Stavanger is an Norwegian song writer and singer. Her debut E.P. Running with the Wolves is an album released in May 2015 by Decca Records. It has received a lot of praise from music press and bloggers. Half the World Away, by the Oasis band, was released for John Lewis Christmas advertisements and Nature Boy by Nat King Cole are two of her most well-known recordings. Katy Perry's endorsement of her track Runaway on her blog added to the musician's acknowledgement. It was her birthday celebration. Aurora Aksnes first musical memory was when she discovered a keyboard within her loft and being amazed by the music. Jan Oystein Aksnes and May-Britt Aksnes encouraged her to learn music not to get work or for a passion and as a way to improve. As a result, she began writing songs of her own. She acknowledges Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen as well as Bjork as being her influences. She decided to start performing her songs publicly when her mother sugge...